APP Push notification
Push notification vs Email vs SMS
Push notification use scenario
- Use SMS for critical information
- Use Email for non-critical, long-form content, such as advertisements.
- Use push notification for non-critical, short text information
Push notification via Firebase
Suggest using Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) to push notifications to both iOS and Android, as well as web apps.
Push notification limitations
- FCM Maximum payload for both Notification messages and Data message is 4000 bytes.
- Suggest notification title <= 40 characters.
- Suggest notification body <= 150 characters.
Create Firebase projects
Create iOS / Android project
iOS: APP bundle ID, APP Store ID & APP Store team ID
Android: APP package name
Note: for iOS project, you must upload the APP Store’s APN key.
Create APN key in your apple development account
Push notification via FCM diagram
Check out the great diagram made by Alex Xu @