Publish APP to Apple Store
APP Production Page Spec.
Items you need to prepare for the Apple Store
- Icon 1024x1024
- APP name: XXX
Max length: 30 characters
- APP descriptions & Categories
- Screenshots
You can take screenshots of the required sizes from either a real phone or a simulator, but I prefer for the UI designer to create these screenshots for a more professional look.
- APP demo video (Provide YouTube link to the demo video)
If your app is related to a device, please provide a demo video showcasing the device with app operations. Note that it is important to use a production device, not a demo set, and to use a real phone to demonstrate the app operations, otherwise your submission may be rejected like this:
- If your app requires login, provide test account and password in the review information.
Questions you may encounter and sample answers
Is your app restricted to users who are part of a single company? This may include users of the company’s partners, employees, and contractors.
No. The app is not intended for users of a specific company.Is your app designed for use by a limited or specific group of companies?
No. Any company can be a client and utilize this app.What features in the app, if any, are intended for use by the general public?
No, the app is not for general public.Identify the specific countries or regions where you plan to distribute your app.
The app is for users in Taiwan.How do users obtain an account?
They can apply for an account from XXX Corp.
Last but not the least
Don’t be upset if your app is rejected. I have submitted apps hundreds of times and have been rejected many times. I understand the feeling of facing rejection. But trust me, Apple rejects apps for specific reasons, so find the cause and resolve it. There’s no need to be angry, upset, or anxious. You will get used to it, and as you gain more experience, you will find solutions faster and faster.